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Battlelines (The Human Chronicles Saga Book 14) Page 15

  It was a unanimous and enthusiastic vote to the affirmative.

  “I feel badly having to present such stark and disturbing numbers to the Council,” said Edei. “Yet this is the new reality we are faced with. The Colony will survive, just not in its present form. But first we must bring an end to this costly and useless war. We cannot afford the losses we are incurring. So in addition to the measures already taken, I will also be proposing a complete withdrawal of all Sol-Kor from foreign universes, as well as the less populated galaxies within ours.”

  “We do not have access to those galaxies,” a group member pointed out.

  “Not presently. Yet we will rebuild the arrays and reconnect with our brothers. It is important at this time that the Sol-Kor consolidate and preserve, with one possible exception.”

  Frowns covered the faces of the eight Group members. “I am not aware of what you speak,” Uyra said.

  “I shall explain.” He took in a deep breath before continuing. This was the most personal part of his presentation, one for which he could be denied. He hoped he could convey the significance appropriately…

  “For a very long time, Panur had been a vital part of the Colony, providing us with the means to expand through our universe and beyond. He was a confidante of the Eternal Queen and ruthless in his loyalty to her. That all came to an end once he entered U-4 and the galaxy known as the Milky Way. It was when he encountered the race of creatures called Human that his loyalties began to shift. I have researched this extensively, and to my surprise, this change came about primarily as the result of Panur’s relationship with one Human, a savage named Adam Cain.”

  “He—along with another Human—is the beast who slayed our Eternal Queen, setting up all the tragedy that is to befall the Colony,” said Group member Sanza. “Not only that, but he was held captive in M-1 just prior to the attack on Kor. I saw him many times, as did many of the others in this room. He appeared to be a small and insignificant beast. How did he gain sway over Panur while inflicting such damage upon the Colony?”

  “I do not know, but even the new Queen was enamored by him, keeping him alive when she could have easily ended his life. Now it has been learned that the advanced starship in which Panur absconded with the Queen is a vessel of Human design, possibly piloted by Adam Cain himself.”

  “I thought he was rumored to be on J’nae—the planet?” said a voice.

  “That rumor has been dispelled. It was the new Queen herself who learned the truth about the leadership of the Hal’ic military forces. They are led by another Human.”

  “A Human is in command of the Hal’ic forces?”

  “Correct, and he has been employing advanced military tactics well beyond what the Hal’ic could have devised on their own.”

  “So the Humans are intimately responsible for all that is taking place.”

  “That, too, is also correct. And that is why I wish to add one amendment to my order to withdraw from foreign universes.”

  “You wish us to remain in the Human universe?”

  “Not in the foreseeable future. We do not have the ability to sustain a force large enough to defeat the Humans. However, I wish that throughout the coming future of the Sol-Kor, the role the Humans played in the demise of the Colony not be forgotten. I wish it to be taught to every child born, be they male or female, and I want that hatred to burn and grow. Then, at some point in the future, when the Humans least expect it, I wish a massive force be sent directly at their homeworld of Earth and leave it a molten ball of rock when we are done.”

  “Will that not cause them to seek revenge against us?” asked Sanza.

  “Without doubt. Yet because we will initiate the attack, we will also have prepared for their response. The Humans will be defeated, thoroughly and with purpose. This is a course of action I feel is strongly required in order to provide a sense of balance to the affairs of late. Since this is a long-term plan, there is no need to vote on it today…”

  Edei was shouted down as each member of the Group—as well as those support Sol-Kor lining the wall—all voiced their full support for Edei’s proposal. His heart soared with the reception. Even though he, along with every Sol-Kor in the room, would be long gone by the time the attack took place, Edei Fran would die knowing that someday the Human race would come to an end…and at the hands of the Sol-Kor.

  “Now, let us move to the command center. The first step on a new journey for the Colony is about to be taken. Let us enjoy this moment.”

  Chapter 20

  Adam had known Andy Tobias for over twenty years, having first met him when he was assigned to SEAL Team Six back when he was only twenty-two years old. Andy had been a lowly lieutenant junior grade at the time, Adam having just made E-5.

  Later, in a battlefield promotion of questionable legitimacy, Andy had made Adam a captain. No one seemed to complain about the promotion—and for that matter, neither was Adam ever recommended for admiral. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if he had been. He always felt intimidated by the officer designation to begin with. These days he served in a quasi-active duty status with the military, basically able to call his own shots. He preferred it that way.

  Still…Andy Tobias, Adam’s old team leader, scared the shit out of him.

  It was no secret that Tobias harbored a deep and lasting anger with Riyad—and by association, Adam—blaming him for getting this whole thing started and for sucking Andy and his team into the Sol-Kor universe, if even unintentionally. That was why Adam hesitated opening a link with the admiral until the Najmah Fayd was only two hours out from the Hal’ic homeworld.

  Several times over the past two months, Andy had attempted to communicate with his rogue officer. Each time that Adam had had the opportunity to connect, he didn’t feel he had enough good news to override the admiral’s seething anger. Now they were aboard the Najmah Fayd—a Human TD-capable starship—and opening a link with his superior officer was simply a matter of pressing a button.

  Nerves on edge, Adam pressed the button.

  The image of an emaciated, red-faced and wiry Andy Tobias appeared on the screen. “Hi, Andy, how’s it going?” Sherri said first from over Adam’s shoulder.

  Followed by Riyad’s, “Good to see you again, my friend.”

  Andy remained silent, staring into Adam with his piercing gray eyes.

  “So, the prodigal son returns, and with his usual cast of misfits in tow.”

  “Andy…good news! We have the Najmah Fayd, and the Queen has been removed from the scene by Panur. So all’s well that ends well.”

  Again, the cold, awkward silence. Then Andy twisted a second monitor around so Adam could see it. “You know what that is? It’s a whole friggin’ fleet of Sol-Kor about two hours from my location. Something like fourteen thousand ships in all. So you tell me how this is going to end.”

  Now Benefis and Arieel crowded around the comm station as well. Lila was somewhere else in the ship.

  “Relax, Andy. We have TD capability. I’ll get Lila to plot a course and we’ll pop right in to save you and your crew.”

  “What, and abandon my post and responsibilities? No thanks. That sounds like something you might do.”

  “You’re not leaving?” Sherri exclaimed. “Are you crazy?”

  “The Hal’ic need me.”

  “Can you defeat a force that large?” Riyad asked.

  “Haven’t got a snowball’s chance, Mr. Tarazi. But maybe we can take enough of them with us that some of the infrastructure on the planet will remain. The Hal’ic have to have something to rebuild…afterwards.”

  “That’s stupid, Andy!” Adam said. “If you can’t win, you need to save yourself. The Hal’ic knew what they were getting into.”

  “Yeah, but I’m the one who sent all their forces out to places unknown along the rim of the galaxy, while leaving the planet virtually defenseless. And I’m supposed to be this great military tactician. Now if there is one last order you can follow, Captain Cain, it’s to g
et your team out of there. With the TD ship, it’s imperative you get it back to Earth as soon as possible. Forget about me. I’ve talked to my people and we’re all willing to go out in a blaze of glory. It’s all an old soldier can ask for.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Andy nodded, his jaw set, yet the bulging veins in his neck pulsated. “Yes, I’m sure. After all, what military man wouldn’t jump at the chance to die while fighting against a ravenous horde of flesh-eating aliens in a far-away universe? I’m getting excited just thinking about it.”

  Riyad pressed his way closer to the screen. “Listen Andy, I’m more than sorry for involving you in all this. If I hadn’t got it in my mind to rescue Adam, none of this would be happening.”

  Again, Andy nodded, more emphatically this time. “Yeah, it was quite a shock when we found ourselves sucked into the Sol-Kor universe. Not something one expects to happen when you wake up in the morning.”

  “It wasn’t intentional, that’s for sure.”

  Adam shook his head. Something was bothering him. “Excuse me, but I heard how Andy was sucked into this universe in the exhaust of the Najmah Fayd, but how did that happen exactly?”

  “Hell if I know,” said Riyad. “Like I said, Panur and Lila were piloting the ship. The rest of us were just along for the ride.”

  “Yet, Andy, your ship was able to slip through the portal the Fayd created.”

  “That’s right…and thanks for that!” Admiral Tobias said.

  “Lila! To the bridge immediately!” Adam yelled into the shipboard intercom.

  “What’s the problem?” Sherri asked.

  “Nothing…no problem at all.”

  Lila appeared a moment later.

  “When the Najmah Fayd travels between dimensions, how is that done exactly?” Adam asked his daughter.

  “It is much the same as a land-based portal. An opening in space-time is created and the ship moves through it.”

  “What, just walks through?”

  “There is no minimum velocity required. The ship can pass through on chemical power if necessary.”

  “And what happens if the portal is created while traveling at light-speed?”

  “Then the opening is created, yet stretched over a considerable distance. That is how Admiral Tobias came to be in the Sol-Kor universe. He passed through this elongated portal.”

  “Andy…I’m going to have to let you go. It’s going to get very busy around here very fast.”


  Adam cut the link.

  “Lila, can you plot a location for a portal jump, someplace within this universe, yet between galaxies?”

  “Yes, quite simply.”

  “What are you doing, Adam?” Sherri asked. “How is that going to get us home?” She turned to Lila. “Can’t you plot us a course back to the Milky Way originating for here?”

  “I can do that, too. We could be home in a matter of minutes.”

  Cheers rose up from the other people on the bridge. All except Adam.

  “No, we’re not leaving.”

  Stunned faces turned to look at their insane commander.

  “Not yet. First we have a little job to do. Lila, please plot that jump to a space between galaxies. Riyad, take the pilot seat. Sherri, weapons. All shields to portside. Prepare to make a high-speed run across the front of the Sol-Kor lines. Lila, please man the portal controls. Since you know them best, it will be your call when to activate.”

  “Is your plan to capture some of the approaching Sol-Kor vessels in the portal created by the Naj—this ship?” asked Arieel.

  “Bingo, baby. Just like what happened with Andy.”

  “Won’t they be firing on us?” Sherri asked from the weapons console.

  “At the speeds this ship can go, they’ll be hitting nothing but open space when they try. But that’s why all shields facing the fleet, in case they get lucky. Riyad, you ready?”

  “Aye, sir,” he said with a wicked grin. “Let’s go lasso us some Sol-Kor!”

  “I didn’t know the Lebanese were into rodeo?” Sherri said.

  “We aren’t, but we do have the internet and Turner Classic Westerns. Head ‘em up, move ‘em out!”

  “Whenever you want, Mr. Tarazi. Get ready, Lila.”

  The Najmah Fayd hit full power, speeding away from J’nae and into the open space just beyond the two huge gas giants that dominated the outer system. The proximity screen lit up with a white cloud of approaching starships. Riyad shifted course, coming in from left to right as one would face the approaching armada. Then he swung across the front lines just as Lila lit off the trans-dimensional portal.

  With a normal transit portal, one created by huge land-based towers, the opening in space appeared as a shimmering white wisp. The one Lila created shimmered as well, yet it was very dim and stretched out over a distance of three light-years. The Najmah Fayd crossed this distance in thirty seconds.

  Suddenly, the outside image on the screens turned blank, as did the view from the forward viewport. For a moment, Adam thought the screens had gone down, until he began to detect tiny lights off in the distance. As the ship swung around, he saw more lights, but not the tiny pinpoints of stars. These were larger, cloudier objects of varying shapes. These were galaxies, as seen from far away and in the space between the stellar neighborhoods.

  “Well kiss my ass!” Sherri suddenly shouted, breaking the silent reverie on the bridge. “Check the proximity readings.”

  She posted the readings on the main screen. Trailing out for light-years behind them were hundreds of contact lights. They at first appeared uniform, all in a line. Then they began to drift apart, while some sped off in myriad directions at full speed.

  “Got the count,” Sherri announced. “Nine hundred eighteen.”

  “No shit? We caught almost a thousand mainships?” Adam couldn’t believe it. This was way beyond his expectations.

  “Lila, get us back to the battlefield. Riyad, get ready for another pass.”

  “Yes, sir, you glorious bastard!”

  A moment later, the brilliant balls of the gas giants on the outskirts of the Hal’ic system popped back into existence. Riyad shifted course, preparing for another run…


  Throughout the command center, Edei Fran heard gasps of shock. His voice added to the chorus. A moment before, they had detected a lone ship approaching their lines at incredible speed. It was immediately identified as the one belonging to the Humans, possibly with Panur—and even the Queen—aboard. By now, Edei had interviewed many of the attendants of the Queen, so he knew Panur’s announcement of J’nae’s mortality to be false. She couldn’t be killed, so this changed all strategies when it came to destruction of the alien craft.

  He ordered the ship to be fired upon.

  Unfortunately, it was much too fast to target effectively. Then something unexpected happened.

  The whole front line of his fleet disappeared.

  “Malfunction?” he called out.

  “Equipment is operational. Transponders gone, comm attempts reaching dead channels.”

  “This is not possible,” Uyra Vas said. But his breath was sucked in again as the Human starship appeared once again on their screen, seemingly out of nowhere.

  Edei had no time to issue orders before the ship raced across the front of the fleet once more, and as before, an entire line of starships disappeared.

  “Evasive actions!” Edei cried out. “Split the fleet, narrow the front lines.”

  The alien ship appeared again. It seemed to hover for a moment before setting off again at unbelievable speed, this time for the very center of the fleet.

  The passage took only forty seconds, and once it was done, there was a clear and obvious void extending the depth of the fleet.

  “Give me counts!”

  “Over five thousand missing,” came an excited answer. “Alien ship again present!”

  Edei watched in horror as the single c
raft took a zigzag path this time through what remained of his fleet. “Scatter the fleet,” he ordered. “Send each ship off on its own! Do not cluster vessels.”

  The once mighty Sol-Kor fleet was now a chaotic mess of fleeing contact dots, diffused and disorganized. In the command center there was stunned silence. The once elated members of the Echelon Group now sat pale, slumped and defeated.

  “Seven thousand…last count,” came a distant voice from somewhere in the chamber.

  Seven thousand, out of fourteen thousand, and all the result of one alien starship employing some kind of new super weapon. Edei began to tremble. Still fresh on his mind was the presentation he’d given earlier, how he’d stressed the need to preserve all the Sol-Kor lives they could between now and the time the Colony recovered and emerged as something new, something different.

  Now…this incredible loss. He shuddered, thinking this could be just the beginning. If the Hal’ic unleashed this weapon against the rest of the Colony, it could mean the end of it all, of all Sol-Kor life.

  As the leader of the Colony, Edei Fran had a responsibility to see that that did not happen. He lifted out of his chair and staggered to the exit. He had much thinking to do.

  Chapter 21

  Adam Cain was embarrassed by the reception they received upon landing on J’nae. Since leaving the planet two months before, much of the scope of the Hal’ic civilization had moved topside, into the fresh air of the outside world. This included makeshift spaceports, littered with hundreds of vessels of all shapes and sizes. Many of these were still popping and whining, having just arrived from the cold of space, sent there in a futile attempt to ward off the massive Sol-Kor fleet. Now their crews poured onto the tarmac and encircled the Najmah Fayd, waiting for her occupants to depart.